TrueWatch Billing Center Account Cancellation Notice

[Special Reminder] Cancelling your TrueWatch Billing Center account is an irreversible action. Once cancelled, you will no longer be able to log into the TrueWatch Billing Center with this account, and all associated data will be deleted and cannot be recovered, even if you re-register using the same email or phone number.

The TrueWatch Billing Center Account Cancellation Terms (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms") govern your actions related to voluntarily cancelling your account on the TrueWatch Billing Center platform (accessible at and associated services.

Please ensure that you have read, understood, and agreed to the Terms before submitting an account cancellation request. For questions regarding the Terms, users should contact TrueWatch customer service hotline at (+65) 6924-1094 or email: [email protected] for clarification before proceeding.

Upon submitting your account cancellation request, TrueWatch will review your application in accordance with the Terms and related platform instructions. If the application meets the criteria, TrueWatch will initiate the irreversible cancellation process. If the application does not meet the criteria, TrueWatch will notify the User of the results, and automatically terminate the cancellation request. Users may reapply after addressing the eligibility issues.

1. Conditions for Account Cancellation

To cancel your TrueWatch Billing Center account, the following conditions must be met:

1.1. The TrueWatch Billing Center account must not have any bound workspaces, if any bound workspaces exist, it must first be dissolved and fully released;

1.2. The account must not have any outstanding payments, including but not limited to cash balances, stored value cards, or vouchers;

1.3. All bills associated with the account must be fully settled;

1.4. The account must not have any unpaid taxes, or other unfulfilled obligations required by law or regulations;

1.5. Up to the day of the cancellation request, the account must not have any unresolved legal violations or breaches of agreements with TrueWatch. If violations exist, they must be fully resolved through mutual agreement with TrueWatch before cancellation.

2. Process for Account Cancellation

2.1. Self-Check

Before submitting your cancellation request, please ensure that you meet the account cancellation conditions stated in Article 1 of the Terms; otherwise, your application will be terminated, and you will need to reapply after addressing the identified issues.

2.2 Method of Cancellation

Submit your request by contacting TrueWatch customer support through the TrueWatch Billing Center:

Navigate to [Work Order] - [Submit Work Order] - select [Cancel Account] under [Work Order Type].

2.3. Account Review

Upon receiving your request, TrueWatch will verify your account’s eligibility.

  • If the review is approved: TrueWatch will initiate the cancellation process.

Note: TrueWatch only performs a preliminary and formal review of the conditions for your account cancellation. TrueWatch's does not imply TrueWatch's substantial recognition or waiver of any rights it may have under law or the Agreement. Approval does not exempt you from or reduce your unresolved obligations related to the account prior to cancellation, including but not limited to any outstanding charges, pending payments, unpaid taxes, or other obligations and liabilities.

  • If the review is denied: The account cancellation process will automatically terminate and it shall not be resumed automatically. If you wish to continue with the cancellation, you must reapply the application.

2.4. Account Cancellation

Once approved, TrueWatch will proceed with account cancellation and delete your data in the TrueWatch Billing Center, except as otherwise stated by the Terms or as required by law, regulations, or governmental and judicial authorities.

3. Results of Account Cancellation

3.1 Upon account cancellation, access to the following services will be permanently terminated:

  • Logging into the TrueWatch Billing Center;

  • Performing any actions that rely on account permissions;

  • Retrieving account-related information, including business data, consumption records, and

  • Accessing other TrueWatch services.

3.2. Cancelling the account does not exempt or reduce any responsibilities related to the account's actions and liabilities prior to cancellation.

3.3. TrueWatch is deemed to have fulfilled its service obligations under active contracts or orders up to the date of cancellation.

3.4. TrueWatch will delete your data and has no right to continue collecting, storing, and using your personal information and other data, except retention is required by applicable law standards or industry best practices, such as retaining invoice data for tax compliance, or retention is necessary for legitimate business purposes (e.g., e-commerce records) or legal compliance.

3.5. Any remaining account balance, vouchers, or stored value cards under the TrueWatch Billing Center account will be voided and deleted upon cancellation.

3.6. Account cancellation is final and cannot be reversed; users are strongly advised to back up all business-related data before proceeding with the cancellation process. TrueWatch is not liable for any data loss resulting from user failure to back up information.

4. Other

4.1. The Terms is an inseparable part of the "TrueWatch Billing Center Service Agreement". For any matters not explicitly addressed in the Terms, refer to the "TrueWatch Billing Center Service Agreement" for guidance.

4.2. You acknowledge and agree that if your account cancellation causes losses to TrueWatch, you shall fully compensate TrueWatch for such losses and damages, as well as indemnify and hold harmless TrueWatch, its directors, employees, agents, partners, and suppliers against any third-party claims arising from your account’s prior activities or cancellation process.

4.3. TrueWatch will notify users of any liabilities related to their account prior to cancellation. Users will have the opportunity to resolve outstanding issues before the cancellation is finalized.

4.4. TrueWatch will retain transaction and invoice data for a period specified by legal requirements or industry standards, ensuring compliance with tax and regulatory obligations.
